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When Papa Scolded Me - 3rd Part

I ignored everybody. This was the most fascinating
game for me at the moment.
TIow fantastic! I press — the light is on, I push
— the light goes off', I muttered.
The patient, obviously, had some serious problem.
My father sat with four books open in front
of him. My running around had certainly disturbed
him. Completely exasperated, he put down his
pen and spectacles and shouted at me, "You're not
listening to me. GET DOWN FROM THERE!"
His loud voice broke my trance. I gaped
at him wide-eyed. He fixed his gaze on me, expecting
to be obeyed instantly. I was shocked at
being scolded so loudly by him — scolded by
Papa. Papa, a very soft spoken person, who was
known never to raise his voice, had SHOUTED
in anger at his darling daughter. I was very angry
with him.
I jumped down from the table with a loud thud
and raced up and down the balcony. My breath
quickened, my face went red with anger, and my
eyes felt hot with unshed tears. Throwing my
hands about, I raced up and down wanting to

destroy everything that came in my way.
Hearing the commotion Bhaiya came out.
"What is it?" he asked. My fury found a ready
victim and I ran towards him and pushed him. I
felt like bursting into tears. I rushed and pulled
at the curtain in Papa's room, which came down
with the force. I saw Papa talking to the patient
with his usual patience.
How unthoughtful of him! He is not a bit
bothered about my being so angry with him. 1
was fuming all the more.
I went back into the room, stamping my feet
noisily in anger. Standing close to Papa, I raged
vehemently, "Why couldn't you say it softly?
Why did you speak so loudly to me?"
The next moment I came out on the balcony
and stood beside the money-plant pot. My eyes
were now full of tears. I plucked a leaf and shredded
it to pieces. The sound of a chair being pushed
in Papa's room reached my ears and then I heard
his footsteps coming closer to me. I tried to run
away in annoyance, but Papa caught me. He pulled
my face towards his and picked me up. Tears
came rolling down my plump cheeks. He patted
my head lovingly and wiped my tears.
"Oh, you big cat!" said Papa, ruffling my hair.
This affectionate gesture melted my wrath. A
moment later I was once again happy playing
round the house.
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